Helpful Tips for Proper Spring Tree Care

Helpful Tips for Proper Spring Tree Care

Spring has officially sprung! It’s been colder than normal for this time of year but we can feel the warmer weather just around the corner. As the tulips, daffodils, and crocuses begin to sprout, it is a good time to start thinking about spring tree care. Trees for the most part are low-maintenance, but they do still require some TLC from time to time.

Here are some helpful spring tree care tips to keep in mind as the weather begins to warm up:

  • Remove any holiday decorations from the trees.
  • If any of your trees were winterized, remove the wraps.
  • To avoid any fungal diseases, clean out any debris from the base of the tree including: leaves, twigs, and fallen fruits.
  • Mulching around the base of the tree will help retain moisture as well as keep weeds at bay.
  • Wait to water trees until the ground has thawed. Watering while the ground is still frozen creates runoff.
  • It’s okay to water while it’s still cool outside. Keeping the soil moist is important, especially if your soil tends to be on the sandy side.
  • Avoid watering the foliage of trees to prevent fungal disease.
  • Ideally the best time to prune trees is in the winter while they are dormant. However it is okay to remove dead or broken branches in the spring. If you are uncertain if a branch is dead, wait until the leaves on the tree sprout and you will be able to spot the dead branch. If you are uncomfortable making that decision, contact a professional.
  • Check for damage or disease. If you don’t have experience treating diseased trees, contact a professional.
  • Same goes for pest control. If your tree appears to be suffering from pests, contact your local pest control company.

Here at Green Trees Arborcare, trees are our passion. We have an extensively trained, professional team that can cater to all of your spring tree care needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or for a quote anytime at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

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