Many assume that tree pruning is done in order to achieve a desirable shape of a tree or bush. While this can be the case, there are also several other reasons for tree pruning such as:

  • To remove diseased or storm-damaged branches
  • To thin the crown to permit new growth and better air circulation
  • To reduce the height of a tree
  • To remove obstructing lower branches
  • To train the plant
  • For curb appeal
  • For safety reasons. Large, dead trees can pose a serious threat to the safety of your home and family.

In some situations, you could just tackle the pruning yourself. However, there are times when it is advised to hire a professional. If you have a large tree that you want to remove big branches from, especially in the upper area of the crown, it may be best to hire experts. Large tree pruning can require climbing, heavy saws, or even cherry-pickers. This is the type of job that should be left to trained and experienced professionals. You should never compromise personal safety in pruning a tree.

The best time of year for tree pruning is when the tree is dormant in late fall or winter, although dead branches should be removed any time of the year. Pruning during the dormant period minimizes sap loss and subsequent stress to the tree. Also, in the case of deciduous trees, waiting until all of the leaves have dropped will leave you with a better idea of what shape will look best.

It is easy to over-prune a tree which can result in an unhealthy and vulnerable plant, which is another reason to leave the pruning to a professional. Please feel free to contact Green Trees Arborcare for a quote or with any tree pruning questions at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

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