Tips for Proper Tree Trimming

Tips for Proper Tree Trimming

Tree trimming serves several different purposes. It can be done on your own, but often hiring a professional will provide you with the greatest results. An experienced and knowledgeable team knows where and when to make the right cuts in order for your tree to reach it’s maximum health and beauty.

Tree trimming is typically done for three reasons:

  • Appearance. Trimming can maintain the appropriate shape of the tree. Just use caution and don’t over-trim which can cause severe damage.
  • Safety. Dead branches or whole trees become weak and can pose a serious threat to your home and property. Large trees can obstruct your vision while driving and limbs growing near utility lines can be extremely dangerous. Never handle limbs near utility lines on your own. Always contact a professional.
  • Health. Infected trees can be saved in some situations if trimmed properly. Thinning the crown of the tree can help to increase airflow.

It is best to trim a tree when it is dormant. Pine trees can be trimmed anytime of year, but it is still best to do so when dormant. If there is a hazardous situation with the tree, then trimming can be implemented at any time. Some tree trimming can be done on your own, however, the larger the tree, the greater a chance you will need to hire a professional. Heavy equipment and large trucks may be necessary to reach limbs that are up high. A certified arborist can implement the proper techniques for determining the angle and position of the correct cuts to a tree, reducing the risk of damaging the tree.

It is easy to over-trim a tree which can result in an unhealthy and vulnerable plant, which is a good reason to leave the trimming to a professional. Please feel free to contact Green Trees Arborcare for a quote or with any tree trimming questions at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

When to Plant New Trees in Massachusetts

When to Plant New Trees in Massachusetts

Could your yard stand to have a little more shade, height, or a pop of color? Choosing the right tree to plant can make all the difference. We get cold winters here in Massachusetts and that effects when to plant new trees purchased from a nursery. Down South, anytime of year is typically okay to plant new trees.

Late winter/early spring is the ideal time to plant new trees in Massachusetts. The tree will just be emerging from it’s dormant state so it will be less disruptive. Dormancy is the temporary diminution or cessation of a plant’s growth, usually slightly prior to and during winter in the temperate zone. Also, extreme heat can wreak havoc on saplings so it is best to avoid planting in the summer months.

Deciduous trees thrive best when sticking to these guidelines. However, if you are planting an evergreen, you have a bit more freedom on when you choose to plant; as long as you still avoid the hot summer months. Regardless of whether you are planting a deciduous or evergreen tree, watering is crucial. Watering too much can create water that pools at the surface, creating the roots to grow upwards to reach the water source. You want the young tree to establish a strong root system, therefore watering the new sapling with a long, slow, steady trickle of water is best for allowing the water to reach the roots properly and making the roots grow downward.

Green Trees Arborcare is proud to have an extremely experienced, passionate, and professional team. With four Angie’s List awards and unparalleled customer satisfaction, you can rely on us for all of your tree care needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns. We can be reached at: (508) 384-2992 for a free estimate. We can also be reached at or

Helpful Tips for Proper Spring Tree Care

Helpful Tips for Proper Spring Tree Care

Spring has officially sprung! It’s been colder than normal for this time of year but we can feel the warmer weather just around the corner. As the tulips, daffodils, and crocuses begin to sprout, it is a good time to start thinking about spring tree care. Trees for the most part are low-maintenance, but they do still require some TLC from time to time.

Here are some helpful spring tree care tips to keep in mind as the weather begins to warm up:

  • Remove any holiday decorations from the trees.
  • If any of your trees were winterized, remove the wraps.
  • To avoid any fungal diseases, clean out any debris from the base of the tree including: leaves, twigs, and fallen fruits.
  • Mulching around the base of the tree will help retain moisture as well as keep weeds at bay.
  • Wait to water trees until the ground has thawed. Watering while the ground is still frozen creates runoff.
  • It’s okay to water while it’s still cool outside. Keeping the soil moist is important, especially if your soil tends to be on the sandy side.
  • Avoid watering the foliage of trees to prevent fungal disease.
  • Ideally the best time to prune trees is in the winter while they are dormant. However it is okay to remove dead or broken branches in the spring. If you are uncertain if a branch is dead, wait until the leaves on the tree sprout and you will be able to spot the dead branch. If you are uncomfortable making that decision, contact a professional.
  • Check for damage or disease. If you don’t have experience treating diseased trees, contact a professional.
  • Same goes for pest control. If your tree appears to be suffering from pests, contact your local pest control company.

Here at Green Trees Arborcare, trees are our passion. We have an extensively trained, professional team that can cater to all of your spring tree care needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or for a quote anytime at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

When to Hire a Professional Crane and Bucket Truck Service

When to Hire a Professional Crane and Bucket Truck Service

If you live on a property that is surrounded by trees that are located in hard-to-reach places, then hiring a professional and experienced crane and bucket truck service is the safest and easiest way to take care of any issues.

Over the years, trees may become weakened, diseased, or too large for the area they are in. This can pose a threat to your home, property, and the safety of your family. Here in Massachusetts, we are no stranger to extreme climate changes and weather. This past winter alone has been persistent in bringing snowfall after snowfall. Heavy, wet snow and ice can put a lot of strain on tree limbs. If these limbs are anywhere near your home, it is best to have them removed. If the whole tree is dying and poses a threat, the whole tree should be removed. This is when it is best to hire a professional crane and bucket truck service.

An experienced team of professionals can get the tree removal done swiftly and efficiently. With the use of a crane and bucket truck there is little to no damage done to lawns and flower beds due to no heavy trucks being used on the property. The crane will be used to reach trees that are located in inaccessible locations around your property, whether the tree be located between structures or near utility wires.

If you have large, diseased, or dead trees on your property; or branches looming over your house, we have the equipment to get every job done. Don’t risk tackling these projects yourself. Contact us for a professional crane and bucket truck service to ensure that your tree removal experience is safe, swift, efficient, and cost effective. Please feel free to contact Green Trees Arborcare at any time for questions or a quote at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

Why Hire a Professional for Stump Grinding?

Why Hire a Professional for Stump Grinding?

Stump grinding usually takes place after a tree has been removed for a variety of different reasons such as: construction, disease, or due to invasion. After the tree has been properly removed, the job isn’t necessarily finished. The large stump that is left behind is often unsightly and can cause growth issues for surrounding plants.

Trees come in all shapes, sizes, and densities resulting in a different sized trunk and root system for each tree. No matter the size, stump grinding can be used to remove the stumps from the property. Once the stump is removed, the soil is ready for a new use. If a new planting will be going in, the stump will be ground down a bit further, as deep as 6 to 16 inches, to accommodate the area.

The benefits of professional stump grinding include:

  • Increased property value without unsightly, dead stumps.
  • Saves you the time and energy.
  • It is safer when left to someone with the proper knowledge as to how to tackle the project.
  • Makes room for new plantings and landscaping plans.

Stump grinding is a fairly simple process, but can face complex issues, and is better left to professionals for several different reasons:

  • Proper planning needs to be laid out. The land needs to be assessed for surrounding plant life as well as utilities on the property.
  • The job can be dangerous. Not only is the machinery that is used heavy and powerful; you can run the risk of hitting an electrical system that could have tragic results not only to your home, but yourself.
  • You do not want to jeopardize the health of plants surrounding the existing stump.

If you have unsightly stumps on your property that you would like to have professionally removed, please feel free to contact Green Trees Arborcare for a quote or with any stump grinding questions at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

Benefits to Tree Pruning

Benefits to Tree Pruning

Many assume that tree pruning is done in order to achieve a desirable shape of a tree or bush. While this can be the case, there are also several other reasons for tree pruning such as:

  • To remove diseased or storm-damaged branches
  • To thin the crown to permit new growth and better air circulation
  • To reduce the height of a tree
  • To remove obstructing lower branches
  • To train the plant
  • For curb appeal
  • For safety reasons. Large, dead trees can pose a serious threat to the safety of your home and family.

In some situations, you could just tackle the pruning yourself. However, there are times when it is advised to hire a professional. If you have a large tree that you want to remove big branches from, especially in the upper area of the crown, it may be best to hire experts. Large tree pruning can require climbing, heavy saws, or even cherry-pickers. This is the type of job that should be left to trained and experienced professionals. You should never compromise personal safety in pruning a tree.

The best time of year for tree pruning is when the tree is dormant in late fall or winter, although dead branches should be removed any time of the year. Pruning during the dormant period minimizes sap loss and subsequent stress to the tree. Also, in the case of deciduous trees, waiting until all of the leaves have dropped will leave you with a better idea of what shape will look best.

It is easy to over-prune a tree which can result in an unhealthy and vulnerable plant, which is another reason to leave the pruning to a professional. Please feel free to contact Green Trees Arborcare for a quote or with any tree pruning questions at: 508-384-2992 or click here to reach us on the web.

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